Profile photo for Jane Callahan Dornemann

Jane Callahan Dornemann

I'm a freelance writer and communications consultant who helps brands tell their best stories.

How did you get involved in travel?

"The travel bug bit me the very first time I left the United States, to study abroad in Ireland. I backpacked through many European countries and didn't come back the same person!"

Please share a unique travel experience you will never forget.

"Sneaking into a college dorm outside of Amman, Jordan because my travel buddy and I had nowhere to sleep that night. A group of college students gave us their beds and took us to a local fast food place where we talked about government, then spent the night dancing to Arab music videos on a tiny, old television and laughing—no alcohol, of course. It was an intimate peek into a culture some Westerners struggle to understand, and a reminder that no matter where you're from, people are just people."

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