Profile photo for Chris Wallace
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active 7 hours ago

Chris Wallace

An inveterate backpacker, I've been a professional guidebook author and travel writer for over 10 years. Before that I had the good fortune to live in a number of countries I now write about today, including Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Brazil. My philosophy regarding travel is simple: "no plan." Simply hop on a plane and let the world do with you what it will.

What places and activities do you specialize in?

"I've lived in and traveled throughout Latin America for almost 15 years, so that region is my purview. "

How did you get involved in travel?

"Being from California, I first started traveling to neighboring Mexico as a teenager. That led to Central America, which led to South America, and next thing you know I've been gone almost two decades. "

Please share a unique travel experience you will never forget.

"Meeting Middle-Eastern refugees on the island of Lesbos, in Greece, for a story I was working on. It was a supreme highlight as both a traveler and travel writer. It humbled me and gave me that much more perspective, which is never a bad thing. "

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