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active 3 days ago

Julia Zarski

I'm Julia! I support our local partners in Europe.

Growing up in the Chicago area made me appreciate big, bustling cities. I also love the outdoors. I'm drawn to major cities just as much as remote, wild destinations. I'm big on coffee and food so it's always fun sampling different cuisines while traveling. The first thing I do in a new country is visit the local grocery store or street market to browse the aisles. You learn a lot about a culture through its food.

Most importantly, I believe in a greener future and am eager to be a part of the movement toward sustainable travel and responsible tourism.

What places and activities do you specialize in?


How did you get involved in travel?

"I didn't leave the country until I was 17 years old. My first international trip was to visit family in Dublin. I had a Guinness on that trip and thought it tasted like burnt chocolate (I've since refined my palate). I got to explore more of western Europe in college when I studied abroad in Barcelona. After college, I moved to Aspen and enjoyed being part of a diverse, international community of seasonal ski resort workers hailing from all over the globe.

In 2019, right before COVID changed our lives, I left my job to walk the Camino de Santiago alone which was an incredible experience. I subsequently traveled around western Europe, spending time in Madrid, Porto, Lisbon, London, Bath, Venice, Cortina d'Ampezzo, Dublin, and Reykjavik. I look forward to traveling farther and deeper. India is at the top of my bucket list."

Please share a unique travel experience you will never forget.

"Walking 500+ miles across Spain on the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage.

Watching pods of orcas feed on herring in Skjervøy, Norway in subzero temps! 🥶"

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