East Africa
Sep 29 - Oct 9, 2018
Tom W.
Ormond Beach, FL
| Reviewed on Oct 13, 2018
Our guide Elayas was simply superb. We were greatly surprised and excited about the rich scenery, history and traditions in Ethiopia . Evenings of traditional dancing, and foods were an unexpected bonus. The ritual coffee ceremony almost every day was most appreciated, giving us a welcome boost. Local markets were festinating & robust , especially in Lalibela. The people everywhere were friendly and helpful.

Marco Degasper
Local specialist in Addis Ababa
| Replied on Oct 17, 2018
Hi Tom,
I'm happy to hear that with Elyas we've chosen the correct guide for you and you enjoyed the tour in its full extent.
Hope to see you soon here in Ethiopia again,
Marco, Elyas and the rest of the team