Amazing experience traveling in Guatemala
Guatemala | Sep 23 - Sep 30, 2023

Saqib R.
Mount Laurel, NJ | Reviewed on Oct 01, 2023

We had a great experience with the team at Columbus Guatemala Travel. It was our first time in Guatemala and Catherina helped draw up an excellent itinerary for us. This included Chichicastenango, Lake Atitlan, Antigua, and Acatenango volcano. They were very flexible to our interests and we got to learn about the culture and traditions, see and experience the sights, have some outdoor adventures, and relax and enjoy the hospitality.

Esteban did an amazing job as our guide and really made the trip even more outstanding. He was patient, enthusiastic, hospitable, knowledgeable, and flexible.

Logistically everything went according to plan and we didn’t have any missteps or hiccups. Yet we also had a fair amount of free time, flexibility, and optional activities that we made the best of. The team were all super-friendly and hospitable, and the WhatsApp chat group kept us all in touch at all times if we needed something.

Overall, we had an excellent trip and were very impressed by this beautiful country. Our eyes were opened to a new culture. The sights, the sounds, the food, and most importantly the compañeros along the way made this experience very memorable for us. I highly recommend you consider them if you are looking at Guatemala as a travel destination. Buen chilero :)

Hotel Review
Homestay in Chichicastenanago, Casa Diego Ignacio, EN.

This was a really nice place to stay. It is pretty spartan, but was clean, safe, food was excellent, hosts were very friendly, and walking distance to the center of Chichicastenango. Had some issues with dogs barking at night, but room otherwise comfortable. Consider this if you are looking for an authentic Mayan highland experience near the bi-weekly market that takes place here.

Authenticity & Character
Cleanliness & Comfort
Activity Reviews
Visit Chichicastenango Mayan Market
Visit Chichicastenango Mayan Market

It’s definitely a spectacle to witness. And has been going on for hundreds of years, so worth visiting.

Quality of Experience
Guides, Drivers and Staff
Kayaking in Lake Atitlán
Kayaking in Lake Atitlán

This was a lot of fun. Easy to get to, just hopped in and set out. Worth doing if you are in Panajachel

Quality of Experience
Guides, Drivers and Staff
Villages Around Lake Atitlán by Bike
Villages Around Lake Atitlán by Bike

I don’t bike a lot, but it was one of the best bike tours I’ve done. A bit challenging with the hills. Picturesque. Nice towns to stop in along the way. Great road condition. Not a lot of traffic to deal with.

Quality of Experience
Guides, Drivers and Staff
Walk Antigua Like a Local
Walk Antigua Like a Local

Great tour. Esteban did a great job showing us around. Saw the main sights, went to some interesting places I would not have thought to visit.

Quality of Experience
Guides, Drivers and Staff
Acatenango overnight
Acatenango overnight

Ok - this is a punishing climb unless you are exceptionally fit. It’s not technically difficult (no special gear needed other than shoes and a hiking pole perhaps), but is an almost continuous climb for five miles starting at 8,000 feet elevation. If you are young(ish) and healthy, you will eventually get to the base camp. But if you aren’t, seriously consider training for this unless you are already reasonably fit. And read all the reviews and tips (like about how to dress in layers, be prepared for rain, etc - it’s all true). That said, the views at the top are phenomenal. Fuego is erupting almost every 5-10 minutes and puts on quite a show. We stayed at a cabin that was enclosed but allowed great views from inside. Probably a once in a lifetime experience for most of us.

Quality of Experience
Guides, Drivers and Staff
Local specialist: Catherina Tittaferrante
Catherina Tittaferrante
Local specialist in Antigua Guatemala | Replied on Oct 11, 2023
My dear Saqib, What an overwhelming feeling comes over me when reading your experience. I really enjoy and love knowing from your words that this was a once in a lifetime memory. The entire team is full of gratitude and admiration, they really made everything seem fun and easier than it was. Our greatest mission is to continue to have friends like you who travel around the world experiencing rich, authentic cultures while supporting communities and we are committed to exceeding your... Read more

My dear Saqib,

What an overwhelming feeling comes over me when reading your experience. I really enjoy and love knowing from your words that this was a once in a lifetime memory. The entire team is full of gratitude and admiration, they really made everything seem fun and easier than it was.

Our greatest mission is to continue to have friends like you who travel around the world experiencing rich, authentic cultures while supporting communities and we are committed to exceeding your expectations as we make this collective passion a reality thank you very much for valuing it.

Esteban is extremely happy to have met you and we are more than ready for our next adventure maybe to Belize, Costa Rica or El Salvador with friends or family, always keep in mind we will be friends from now on.