If you need to travel from Rome to Pisa, a distance of 220 (355 km), you can go by train, rental car, private driver, or bus. Because of Italy's high-speed train system, the train will be your fastest option, while going by rental car or private driver will give you the freedom to explore Italy as you make your way north from the Lazio region to Tuscany. If you do travel by train, many itineraries require a transfer in Florence, and you can opt to detour here for a day or more. 

Travelers interested in visiting Pisa as part of a broader tour of Italy's highlights should consider his two-week itinerary–it includes both Pisa and Rome, along with Venice, Florence, and a vineyard and tasting tour in Chianti.

By Train

Duration: 3-5 hours, depending on the train type and number of transfers

From Roma Termini station you'll have a few train options to choose from to arrive in Pisa. Your best bet is to catch a direct train to Pisa on the Italian National Railway system, Trenitalia, which will take about 3 hours—but keep in mind these trains run only a few times a day and you'll want to plan in advance.

With the same train company (or its competitor, Italo) you can catch one of the frequent high-speed trains to Firenze Santa Maria Novella station, and then hop on a regional train to Pisa (one hour), which will also take about 3 hours total. You'll find that some train lines are faster than others, and your journey could take up to five hours, depending on the speed on the train, so it's wise to look at your transfers and itinerary closely when booking your tickets. 

By Rental Car or Private Transfer

Duration: 4 hours, more with stops

If you start your road trip from Rome, you'll find several rental car companies to choose from, particularly concentrated around Roma Termini and Roma Tiburtina stations. It is possible to rent an automatic transmission car in Italy, however, manuals are more prevalent and will be less expensive to rent. You’ll also want to factor in the cost of gas (prices are by liters, not gallons) for your road trip up Italy. 

Having wheels will give you a chance to appreciate the countryside and the varied landscape of Italy as you make your way to Pisa, as you pass through the regions of Lazio, Campania, and Tuscany. Traveling inland on the A1 autostrada, you could take a detour to sip wine in Montepulciano (known for its Vino Nobile), which is about two hours north of Rome. 

Another option is to go coastal, following European route E80. You might spend some time at the Tuscan seaside, visiting the towns around the city of Grosseto, such as Castiglione della Pescaia, which has a medieval fortress with views of the Tyrrhenian Sea.  

You can also consider going with a private driver, you'll have the luxury of seeing Italy while you travel north, without having to worry about navigating. Once you arrive in Pisa, your driver can advise you about an exploration of the Tuscan countryside. 

By Bus

Duration: 5 to 6.5 hours

Flixbus offers the fastest bus rides from Rome to Pisa, with direct buses leaving a few times each day, with travel time varying depending on the time of day and route. On Flixbus, you'll have the advantage of wifi and toilets on board. 


Map of How to Get from Rome to Pisa
Map of How to Get from Rome to Pisa