Review of trip to KENYA ALL I can say is “WOW..p
Kenya | Jun 15 - Jun 26, 2023

Gail B.
Shaw, DC | Reviewed on Jul 06, 2023

Review of trip to KENYA
All I can say is “WOW! “ What an incredible adventure! Thank you!
Well planned, well guided, well executed! Every place we stayed was comfortable and clean and the food was exceptional. The guides were excellent, informative, patient
and accommodating.

There were great cultural experiences: most notable was the Maji Moto Cultural Camp where I wore my “shouka” with pride among my Maasai brothers!
At the “Olpal” bush camp, I slept on a fragrant bed of leaves under the stars after a night of dance, chants & goat roasted on the fire. I was even blessed by a Maasai elder. It was such a highlight! Before I departed Maji Moto, I took part in ”warrior training” with 6-8 young Maasai men and witnessed first hand why they were a fearsome tribe in the day. Now I would describe them as gentle & jovial!

There were historical highlights: We toured the Nairobi National Museum and learned of the intense commitment of Ann Thompson who chronicled the life of the tribesmen and documented the flora of Kenya in her art .
We also visited the Karen Blixen Museum and grounds. She respected the native tribesmen and worked tirelesssly to improve their treatment by the British colonizers. Her writings include “Out of Africa” & a movie chronicles her heroic efforts on behalf of the African people.

As well, the nature adventures were spectacular from hands-on feeding of the gentle giants at the Giraffe Center to “up close” orphan young elephant feeding at the David Sheldrick Trust in Nairobi. And of course safari game drives in the Masai Mara National Reserve where in our first hour out we saw a big leopard in a tree! It just got more exciting from there with cheetahs “jetting” across the plains after wildebeest, lion cubs in “nursery time” while their moms luxuriated in solitude & a “ baby-free” nap close by, a pair of “honeymoon lions” taking a break in the hot afternoon sun, birds galore gloriously colored, tons of Zebras, elephants, topi, waterbuck and water Buffalo, hyenas,giraffe, hippos, warthogs, ostrich, gazelles, impalas, baboons & colombo monkeys, etc!
Everything ran like clockwork and we received lots of practical information on how to best manuever in Kenya from Richard and Stanley, our guides. I will always be grateful for their care and concern.
I say, by all means, go with KimKim!

Hotel Reviews
Ashnil Mara Camp
Maasai Mara

I loved the setting, the rooms, the dining room and the staff. The hippos and hyenas making night “music” in the river right by the facility were wonderful. I indulged in a massage there and loved the masseuse. Overall the food was spectacular and the dessert tray was an artwork every meal! The staff could not have been more helpful or fun!

Authenticity & Character
On the river, beautiful “landscaping”, amazing architecture and a great shop!
Cleanliness & Comfort
Diani Sea Resort

The hotel was a great place to spend my last days in Kenya. Beautiful, lots of activities to fill the day…. Camel riding, water aerobics, volleyball, etc!

Authenticity & Character
I was hoodwinked into a non-hotel sponsored tour and not too far in to it I realized it was not what I’d been told. Kevin the hotel manager, was so kind and sorry that he returned the whole amount plus the tip I had given- quite a generous , special gesture!
Cleanliness & Comfort
Local specialist: Joseph Thuo
Joseph Thuo
Local specialist in Nairobi, Kenya | Replied on Jul 20, 2023

It was such a pleasure to welcome you to Kenya, especially the Maji Moto Maasai Cultural Camp where we are happy to hear you had such a meaningful experience. We will let Richard and Stanley know you’ve sent appreciation for their great care and service. It was such a pleasure to work with you and appreciate for trusting us with your trip plan. We hope to see you again in the near future with more trips to East Africa (Tanzania, Uganda or Rwanda) or any other part of the world.

Best wishes for your future travel journeys.

Ashe oleng, Many Thanks