76 day trip to Australia and New Zealand
Australia | Aug 19 - Oct 29, 2023

Lynda D.
Canada | Reviewed on Oct 31, 2023

This trip was amazing. It was a 76 day trip to see both Australia and New Zealand. My Specialist Liz Neal was amazing and fantastic. She worked with me for almost a year to organize everywhere I was going to go and the day trips and I also wanted to make sure that I had drivers to pick me up from the Airport and for the daily outings and they were there. The booklets that she sent me with all the daily information of all the outings and plane information was a fantastic idea. I carried it everywhere and will use it when I do my photo album.

The only thing is that I need to keep some days off for myself. I was so excited about this trip and I wanted to see everything that I booked something every day. Liz tried to get me some time off from visiting but I just wanted to experience everything. In hindsight, some time off would have been good to actually do things I wanted to do but had no time like either sleep, shop or just walk around. Something to keep in mind for my next trip.

It is too bad that Liz is an expert only on Australia and Zew Zealand. I would love to have her as my agent for all my next trips.

Thank you for this amazing experience.

Local specialist: Liz Neal
Liz Neal
Local specialist in Sydney-Auckland-Los Angeles | Replied on Oct 31, 2023

Dear Lynda,
What a thoughtful review. I really really appreciate your words. It was an ABSOLUTE pleasure to work with you and plan this very long trip. You had so much enthusiasm to explore everything !! All my suppliers had wonderful things to say about you and enjoy hosting you. And although I don't "specialize" in other destinations I travel a lot and I will always be happy to be a sounding board for you with any destinations. It really was a pleasure!
