The road distance between Palermo and Paceco is 66 miles (106 km), making a day trip between the two Sicilian cities easy. As with the rest of Sicily, the best way to move around is by car (1.5 hours).

The drive is straightforward and simple, though those not used to driving in foreign countries can opt for private transfer instead. Either way, check out these 3 self-drive itineraries across Sicily for inspiration. A recommended stop on the way is Segesta and its Doric Temple (10 additional minutes). Other nearby sights include Erice and Nubia.

The least convenient option in getting from Palermo to Paceco is by bus; buses run infrequently during the day, timetables are not always reliable, and the drop-off point may be far from your final destination in the town.

While planning your trip to Sicily, make sure to see this ultimate guide to the island. 

By Car

Duration: 1.5 hours

Taking the E90 and the A29, this is the fastest way to get from between Palermo and Paceco.

After getting on the E90, drive for 38 miles (52 km) before taking the Trapani/Aeroporto Birgi exit and continuing onto the A29. On the A29, watch out for the 'Marsala' exit. Once you take the exit, drive for 5 minutes across the SS115 to get to Paceco's center.

The drive on the E90 and A29 is relaxing, flat, and takes you through plenty of rural landscapes.

A recommended stop is the town of Segesta, and its key landmark, the Doric Temple, along with the Segesta Theatre. If you plan on stopping for lunch, pack a picnic or head to a nearby town as there are no restaurants on-site.

Free street parking is widely available in Paceco.

By Private Transfer

Duration: 1.5 hours

Though pricier than self-driving, private transfer is an extremely convenient way to get from Palermo to Paceco. The option is especially convenient for those uncomfortable driving in new territory and removes the hassle of learning regulations and local driving customs in a foreign country.

Private transfer is widely available across Sicily and can be booked in advance.

By Organized Tour

Duration: 5+ hours

This is a fun way to get from Palermo to Paceco. During the summer, plenty of tour options are available across the island. 

Generally, Paceco is not organized as a standalone destination but is rather grouped together with other nearby sights such as Erice, Segesta, and Nubia on a single itinerary. Because Paceco itself has limited sights, this option is convenient in showing you the best of the region over a single day.  

By Bus

Duration: 2-2.5 hours

This is the least convenient (but the most eco-friendly) way to get from Palermo to Paceco. The Regional bus operator Segesta Autolinee runs this route.  There are only three trips from Palermo to Paceco each day.

There are various pick-up points in Palermo, including one at the local train station. The drop-off point is in Paceco's Via Sanseverino. From there, getting to the Museum of Salt is a 15-minute taxi ride. However, taxis may not be available without pre-booking. Walking takes over an hour and is not advised.


Map of How to Get from Palermo to Paceco
Map of How to Get from Palermo to Paceco
Written by Bana B, updated Sep 29, 2019