The distance between Porto and Aveiro is 46 miles (75 km), and the best way to travel between the two is by a quick 30-minute train ride.

If you'd rather make the trip by car, it's easy to book a private transfer or book your own rental, but it'll add a few minutes to your trip along with some toll-road fees.

Buses are also available, but none of them are direct, so your transit time will be more than double those of a train or car ride.

Interested in taking a road trip through Portugal? Check out this 10-day itinerary that will take you through must-see places like UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Porto, small medieval towns like Évora, vineyards in the Alentejo region, and more.

By Train

Duration: 30 minutes

Trains from Porto's Campanhã Station leave every 40 minutes for Aveiro Station

The train company is Comboios de Portugal, and you can purchase tickets on their website or at the station. There are both first- and second-class carriages, and available amenities include wifi, refreshments, charging ports, and more.

By Private Transfer or Rental Car

Duration: 45 minutes

Booking a private transfer is a fairly simple option for this trip, but you can also rent a car in Porto if you're planning on taking more side trips around Portugal. 

You'll take the A1, but this route does have tolls, so be sure to ask your rental company for a fast-pass if you're driving yourself.

By Bus

Duration: 1.5 hours

You can take a Rede Expressos bus, but you'll have to transfer buses in Albergaria-a-Velha, making it the most cumbersome and time-consuming option. 


Map of How to Get from Porto to Aveiro
Map of How to Get from Porto to Aveiro