The best way to travel the 1150 miles (1851 km) between Cape Town and Hoedspruit is by plane. A direct flight is only two and a half hours while traveling by car will take at least two days of driving.

Due to the infrequency of direct flights between Cape Town and Hoedspruit, which are typically only once a day, travelers may need to book a connecting flight via Johannesburg. This trip can take around four hours. Those who travel by car can expect at least 19 hours of driving without stops. A good place to stopover for the night, along the road, is Bloemfontein.

This 8-day itinerary includes some of the top tourist attractions in Cape Town as well as a trip to Kruger National Park.

By Plane

Duration: 2.5 - 4 hours

A direct plane trip to the airport in Hoedspruit takes only two and a half hours. Travelers may need to book a connecting flight to Johannesburg since direct flights are fairly infrequent. Travelers can expect the trip, including a connecting flight, to take approximately four hours.

Both private transfers and car rental are easily available from the airport in Hoedspruit. Private transfers are recommended for those visiting nearby game reserves such as Kruger National Park. For travelers who choose to self-drive, the roads are in good condition although you should be aware of animals on the road.

By Private Transfer or Rental Car

Duration: 2 days

The quickest route is along the N1 highway which goes from Cape Town to Johannesburg. After Johannesburg, travelers will drive along the N12 and N4 highway to Belfast before turning onto the R540, R36, and R527 for the rest of the way. This trip takes 19 hours without stops and should be split up over at least two days. Alternatively, you can continue on the N1 highway past Pretoria and towards Polokwane. After Polokwane, you will drive along the R71 and R526 the rest of the way. This route takes an extra 45 minutes.

A recommended overnight stop is to stay in Bloemfontein. Good places to visit or stop at for lunch along the way include Beaufort West, Gariep Dam, and Hanover. Those who are self-driving should keep cash or a credit card for pay tolls on the road.


Map of How to Get from Cape Town to Hoedspruit
Map of How to Get from Cape Town to Hoedspruit