How to Get from Corfu to Zakynthos

The distance between Corfu and Zakynthos (Zante) in the Ionian Islands is about 158 miles (255 km). The best way to travel between the two is by flying. While some small ferry companies do operate ferries on this route during the high season (summer), these tend to be infrequent and difficult to find—the most reliable option besides flying is traveling overland.
Although Corfu and Zakynthos are part of the same island group, they are far apart and it can be challenging to visit both in one trip, especially if you have limited time. You can experience the islands nearer to Corfu with this 8-day yachting itinerary, or get an in-depth look at Zakynthos with this 7-day tour.
By Flying
Duration: 2 hours with a direct flight, or 6-7 hours with a stopover
There are direct flights from Corfu to Zakynthos a few times per week. Availability is sporadic and flights often sell out early, so booking in advance is highly recommended. Flights run more frequently during the high season.
If the flight dates don’t work with your travel plans, you could also fly from Corfu to Zakynthos with a stopover in Athens.
By Ferry and Land Transport
Duration: 7 hours
The other option for getting from Corfu to Zakynthos involves taking one of the frequent ferries to Igoumenitsa on the northern Greek mainland, and then traveling by land to Kyllini in the Peloponnese, where you can catch another ferry to Zakynthos.
Ferries from Corfu to Igoumenitsa run every day, multiple times a day. Some ferries can accommodate cars for an extra fee. The ride takes 1-2 hours, depending on the type of ferry you get.
From Igoumenitsa, you can reach Kyllini by rental car or private transfer. The drive is about 4 hours long, and includes tolls—these can be paid in cash to a tollbooth attendant. The route is scenic and takes you through the Pindus Mountains.
Once you’ve arrived in Kyllini, you can complete the final leg of your journey by taking the ferry to Zakynthos. A few ferries travel from Kyllini to Zakynthos each day; the ride takes just over an hour, and tickets can be booked in advance. If you have a car, you can bring it with you on the ferry.