How to Get from Chania to Santorini

The distance between Chania and Santorini is 100 miles (162 km). Although there are no direct routes by ferry or plane from Chania to Santorini, there are a number of ways you can reach Santorini.
The most convenient way is to fly from Chania to Santorini. There are no direct flights available between Greek islands, so you will have a stop in Athens, but this option can be the quickest and most direct.
Alternatively, you can drive from Chania to Heraklion, the capital of Crete, and then take a ferry to Santorini. While the ferries run year-round, note that their schedules become much more limited during the low season (mid-October through mid-June).
When planning your trip, consider this three-week itinerary, which will not only give you the chance to explore Chania and Santorini, but will also take you to other Cycladic Islands, like Mykonos and Tinos.
By Plane
Duration: 2.5 hours or longer, depending on connection time
The easiest way to travel from Chania to Santorini is by plane. The Chania International Airport (CHQ) is just 20 minutes from the old town of Chania and flights to Santorini run year-round.
If flying to Santorini, you will have to stop in Athens first, but if you're looking for a quicker way to get to Santorini, it is possible to find flights with short layover times.
For the short flights to and from the Greek islands (all flights between the islands and Athens take about an hour or less), only economy tickets are available.
By Car + Ferry
Duration: 4.5 hours or longer, depending on the ferry you choose
If you're looking to get a more "traditional" experience of hopping the Greek islands, you can take a ferry to Santorini. While there are no ferries directly from Chania to Santorini, you can easily travel to Heraklion and grab a ferry from there.
Heraklion is a two-hour drive from Chania. You can drive yourself there, arrange for a private transfer, or take a bus as there are multiple buses available throughout the day from Chania to Heraklion.
The drive to Heraklion will take you east on the National Road (E75), which is a straightforward "island-sized" highway (usually two lanes on each side).
Once in Heraklion, you can take either a fast or slow ferry to Santorini. The high-speed ferries take about two hours, while slower ferries take three hours.
Economy and business class seats are available for all ferries, as well as the option to bring a vehicle on board. Note that if you do bring a vehicle, your ticket price will increase.