Traveling from Lisbon to Braga is 225 miles (362 km). There are various options to get to your destination. The train offers the fastest route and provides access to views you won't see by car or by bus. If you prefer to pit stop and go at your leisure, traveling by car is a better option.  

This Highlights of Lisbon 4-day tour is a great way to get to know Lisbon and experience its distinct neighborhoods and nearby towns, including Cassis and Sintra. 

By Train

Duration: 3 hours 20 minutes

Trains are the quickest and one of the most convenient ways to get from Lisbon to Braga. The train is a lovely way to see landscapes unseen from the highway and is a nice way to unwind, look out the window and relax while getting to Braga.

Trains operate frequently from early morning until late evening, making it an easy way to get to your destination. Train duration is anywhere from 3.5 hours to 5.5 hours depending on the train route, company and how many stops. Trains depart from many train stations in Lisbon. However, the train stations Santa Apolonia and Oriente offer the most frequency so keep that in mind when booking your ticket and planning where to depart from. 

By Car

Duration: 3.5 hours

Driving is an easy way to get to Braga while giving you an opportunity to see some of the interior scenery. The fastest route takes around 3.5 hours without any stops and is a distance of 225 miles (362 km). The route is direct, staying on the same highway for the duration of your trip, despite the names of the highways changing. 

Beginning your road trip on A1, you'll pass by a lot of small towns, farmland, and local industry. If you want a place to stop around midway on your trip- either to have a meal or you want to explore another city before arriving in Braga- Coimbra is a good choice.

This route has tolls. You can register your vehicle at many toll booths so be on the lookout for the area to register.

Keep in mind, avoiding registration doesn't mean you won't be charged. If you've rented a car, then registration has already been taking care of.

By Bus

Duration: 4.5 hours

Traveling by bus is a comfortable option, although not the fastest method. Buses take 4.5 hours to 5.5 hours depending on the bus company and route so pay attention to the travel duration when buying your ticket.  Buses operate from morning till night with decent frequency and there are two different departure stations- Lisbon Oriente station and Lisbon Sete Rios. Tickets can be purchased in advance or on the day of departure. 


Map of How to Get from Lisbon to Braga
Map of How to Get from Lisbon to Braga