The distance between Santiago and Torres del Paine National Park is approximately 1,700 miles (2,800 km). You can travel the distance in a total of 6-13 hours by taking a flight from Santiago Airport (SCL) to either Puerto Natales or Punta Arenas. From there, you can travel by bus or rent a car. 

The fastest route is from Santiago to Puerto Natales, which takes about 3 hours, and from there, to Torres del Paine by car. However, flights are only available during high-season months between these two cities. The second option is to fly to Punta Arenas, then rent a car or take the bus. 

Buses run from Santiago's central station, as well, taking you to Torres del Paine via the popular Puerto Montt. Then, there is a later stop in Punta Arenas and Puerto Natales to change buses, rent a car, or book a private transfer. The whole journey takes up to two days.

By Plane and Rental Car/Private Transfer or Bus

Duration: 7-13 hours

From Santiago Airport, it will take you about 3 hours to reach Punta Arenas. From here, you can rent a car, hire a driver, or take a bus, and then expect another 4-6 hours of travel time. Drive on Route 9, straight to Torres del Paine, or make a stop in Punta Arenas city, which is about 10 minutes from the airport. You can also stop in Puerto Natales to take a tour or just grab some food. The distance between Punta Arenas and Puerto Natales is approximately a 3-hour drive.

Buses from the Punta Arenas Airport (PUQ) drive through Puerto Natales, and you'll exit the bus—either to change to another bus or explore the city (make sure to check the bus schedules if you choose the latter). Here, you can visit the Muelle Brown and Blanchard—the well-known pier—among other things. The whole journey takes about 6 hours (without spending time in Puerto Natales).

By Bus

Duration: 2 days (with transfers)

When taking the bus from Santiago to Torres del Paine, you have two options. The recommended route is to pass through Puerto Montt—it's three hours longer than the other bus option, but you'll get to see one of Chile's highlights. This journey will take you up to two days with stops and bus transfers in Puerto Montt, Punta Arenas, and Puerto Natales. The bus will drop you off at the entrance to Torres del Paine. 

The second—and—faster option is to take the bus from Santiago's central station (Terminal Alameda) which takes about 45 hours. This route will take you through Osorno, Punta Arenas, and Puerto Natales. 


Map of How to Get from Santiago to Torres del Paine National Park
Map of How to Get from Santiago to Torres del Paine National Park