Traveling from Popayán to San Agustin is roughly an 84 miles (136 km) journey. Taking a direct bus is the most convenient option. Private transfers are recommended over self-driving. The roads have somewhat improved in the past few years, but it can still be a bumpy ride at this high altitude. 

If you don’t want to worry about travel logistics, consider this 10-day itinerary. This tour offers the perfect combination for those that want a taste of culture and nature. You’ll spend time in the most popular city Medellín and also be able to tour the rich culture found in the Coffee Region.  At the end of your tour, you’ll also spend time visiting the Parque Arqueológico Nacional de Tierradentro, one of the most intriguing archaeological sites that Colombia has to offer.

By Private Transfer or Rental Car

Duration: 5 hours or more, depending on stops

You can also arrange a Private Transfer or Rental Car, but it’ll still be a somewhat rough ride. A Private Transfer is recommended over renting a car, especially hiring a driver that is familiar with the area and can tell you more about the history of the archaeological and surrounding sites. 

By Bus

Duration: 4 to 5 hours

The most direct way from this area is to take a direct minibus from Popayán. Bus companies like Coomotor leave daily. Roads have improved but parts of the road are still unpaved, so trips can take anywhere from a minimum of 4 hours to 5 hours of travel or more. Some buses will drop you off in the Terminal de San Agustin, other buses will drop you off at the crossroads near the town, where taxis will be waiting to take you further into town. 


Map of How to Get from Popayán to San Agustin
Map of How to Get from Popayán to San Agustin