Set in the Vipava Valley—a popular section of Slovenia’s Primorska Wine Region— the small town of Ajdovščina is only 25 miles (40 km) from Idrija. The fastest and most convenient way to travel between the two is by car: rental or private transfer. The drive is quick at just 45 minutes.

A slower option is the regional bus. There is no direct route between Idrija and Ajdovščina, so you must stop in the town of Logatec for a connection. In total, the journey—not including waiting time in Logatec—takes about two hours.

By Rental Car or Private Transfer

Duration: 45 minutes

The drive between Idrija and Ajdovščina—which can be completed in just about 45 minutes—is quick and easy. After leaving Idrija via road 210, you’ll connect to the smaller country road 207 at the town of Godovič. The drive starts by following the scenic Idrijca River, and eventually passes through the hills before arriving in the Vipava Valley. Note that road 210 is narrow and local, but there are plenty of pull outs along the way to let drivers pass and to take in the views.

If you’re looking for a scenic spot for a picnic lunch, take a detour towards Idrijska Bela. Here you can nosh in nature while listening to the murmur of the Idrijca River. 

By Bus

Duration: 2 hours

The regional bus is a budget-friendly option, but it’s not as convenient as driving. The bus route circumvents the hilly countryside that lies between the two towns, essentially make a large loop around the area. This requires a stop and connection in the town of Logatec before merging with highway E61. The bus makes several stops before catching the H4 expressway north and arriving in Ajdovščina.


Map of How to Get from Idrija to Ajdovščina
Map of How to Get from Idrija to Ajdovščina