The distance between Puerto Varas in Chile's Los Lagos region and Puerto Natales in Magallanes is about 1,200 miles (1941 km). The fastest way to travel between them is to take a relatively short flight. You have two different options for booking your flight, but you'll have to get to the nearby town of Puerto Montt first, and either option will take about 6 hours.

You can also make this long journey by car or bus, but it is not recommended as it can take up to 33 hours, and the shortest route requires you to cross the Argentinian border.

If you're interested in visiting the Todos Los Santos Lake, visiting the Osorno Volcano, and seeing more of the Chilean Lake District, consider this 5-day itinerary.

By Plane and Private Transfer or Rental Car

Duration: 6 hours, depending on layover

Traveling to Puerto Natales by plane is by far the best option, and you have two airports to choose from. You can take a private transfer or one of the daily airport shuttles to the nearby El Tepual Airport (PMC) in Puerto Montt, about 30 km from Puerto Varas. Although there are no direct flights, you can book a ticket from Puerto Montt to Teniente Julio Gallardo Airport (PNC), which will take about 6 hours depending on the length of your mandatory layover. When you land at Puerto Natales, you can then take a taxi for the final 4-mile (7 km) journey into the city center.

You can also choose to book a direct flight from Puerto Montt to Presidente Carlos Ibáñez del Campo International Airport (PUQ) in Punta Arenas, which will take about 2 hours. From there, you will have to book a private transfer or rent a car in order to make the final 150-mile (241 km) journey to Puerto Natales.


Map of How to Get from Puerto Varas to Puerto Natales
Map of How to Get from Puerto Varas to Puerto Natales